Tuesday, 26 June 2007

The Four Laws of Ecology.....

The Four Laws of Ecology (as formulated by physicist and ecologist, Barry Commoner). These laws can also be applied to your daily life.

1) Everything is connected to everything else - humans and other species are connected/dependant on a number of other species. Every living thing is interconnected on the planet. If you really dwell on this law then it becomes very hard to practise anything other than compassion and harmlessness.

2) Everything must go somewhere - no matter what you do, and no matter what you use, it has to go somewhere. For example, nuclear waste does not just disappear, it has to go somewhere. Poor people do not disappear they go somewhere. Anger does not disappear it goes somewhere. If repressed it is locked in the body. If expressed poorly it can be locked in someone else's body. Joy can also be held in the body or circulated around the world. If you practise this law then care for the planet becomes a more sensible way to live than wasteful living. Also joy becomes a more sensible way to live than anger.

3) Nature knows best - Like it says, nature knows best. As much as people think that nature can be improved upon or reinvented Mother Nature has an innate and incredible intelligence. When humans tinker with that intelligence unintelligently then dire results can follow. Global warming is one such consequence. Global pollution another. When you live by this law then you will want to eat more naturally, follow the innate wisdom of your body, and care for the earth.

4) There is no such thing as a free lunch - This law basically means you have to do something in order to get something in return. If you want to be successful you need to get going in life. If you want more inner peace then you need to meditate more often. If you want to be more healthy then you need to be more mindful about your nutrition and daily exercise. If you want more friends then you have to connect with new people. When you follow this law then it is very hard to be complacent and easier to take meaningful action.

Blessings, Steve http://www.prosperitygame.co.uk/

Time for a Raise?

When it comes to having money everyone on the planet has two levels in their unconscious. One is the level above which we will not allow ourselves to rise. The other is the level below which we will not allow ourselves to fall. A person who is homeless and destitute probably has both levels set quite low. A person who is experiencing tremendous happiness and financial success probably has both levels set quite high. Now, the million dollar question is, where are your levels set? You may well ask yourself, time for a raise?


Monday, 25 June 2007

Wealthy people have a unique success formula......

The one thing wealthy people have in common is that they have all found their unique formula for making money. Apart from that they have absolutely nothing in common. Wealthy people come from all races and all backgrounds, they vary from the well educated to the street wise and savvy. You must realise by now that there are no rules in this regard, anyone can make it. You can have more wealth if you wish. You do not have to buy into the common belief that there is not enough to go around. If you want it to happen then all you have to do is get off your backside and start to move and groove into the world. Surely your mother told you that fortune smiles on the brave? OK, well now you know!


Thursday, 21 June 2007


Would you like to hear about the win-win principle? This principle states that real success and happy results through a co-operative effort with others. It is based on the assumption that there is plenty for everyone. This is radically different approach than the win-lose principle where some people will naturally win at the expense of others. Often the win-lose scenario can lead to everyone involved losing in some way. Winning at the expense of others is not a great recipe for happy and successful living. Win-win is based on mutually beneficial agreements and solutions, teamwork and the sharing of resources. How about incorporating the win-win principle in your thinking and doing today?


Monday, 18 June 2007

Who Says Inspiration Does'nt Pay?.....

Want to hear a story? OK, I hoped you were going to say yes. Well there was this guy called Alex who was a middle class graduate living in messy student digs in Nottingham. Then one day he came up with an idea, not just any idea but one that was to set the internet alight. He created a website which contained exactly one million pixels. He then sold space to advertisers for $1 a pixel. This idea caught the attention of some local press and the publicity around it grew. The website was so successful that before the age of 21 he was on his way to making his first million. So who says inspiration does'nt pay?


Sunday, 17 June 2007

Creating the Future...........

You know the last thing you want to do is create a future that is merely a replay of your past. Even if you have had a wicked past you might find doing the same stuff over again in your future a little tedious. The good news is that you do not have to project any aspect of your past into your future if you do not want to. You are always free to dream up exploring something you have never done before. How wicked is that?


Message from Laurence......

Dear Steve,
One day I entered a shop without any money or intention of buying anything. I found the art work on display beautiful and felt it might be inspiring to take a closer look.Some pieces of work in particular took my attention and I commented to the assistant watching over me, 'One day I'll be rich and will have money to buy this sort of thing.' She replied, almost laughing as she did, 'Everyone dreams of that.''No,' I said, 'I know I will be rich one day and have money, that's not my dream.'My dream is that one day I won't need any money.' Do you understand? If not, it might be worth pondering over.
Peace out,Laurence

Appreciation Received...........

Appreciation is always well received this end:
"Please forgive me that it's taken me seven weeks to say this - but, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for what you have given me so far...and indeed the whole universe through what you do...I've also passed on some of your messages to people I felt were particularly in need of them....I do feel a change...I probably shouldn't say any more...I have put them all in a folder and one fine day, I shall get around to printing them all out and maybe having them painted or somehow presented beautifully so that I can look at them properly and always and maybe even give them to people as presents if that's OK. I'd also like to write some songs based on them - is that OK, too?
Thank you so much again.

Some Strange Ideas about Money

Sometimes there is a belief running about money that says if I really hate what I do then I deserve to be well paid for it because it is so hard. Then the contra belief goes, if I really love what I do then it is wrong to accept money for it. Some people have the even stranger idea that even if I work hard I will still receive little money.
When I was working in banking in the City I had a large zone for money flowing through my hands and an almost negligible zone for earning money joyfully. When I left Banking and worked in local government my zone shifted a few degrees in that I could then earn money more joyfully. The first time I received money for doing something I absolutely loved it felt like a sacrilege. As if the money would somehow taint the purity of the thing I loved. I accepted the money and really looked at this belief I had about money coming to me through the things I did not particularly like doing. Now all the money I earn comes to me through joyful means. If you can shift this one idea about money then your whole work life can shift also. Can you imagine doing work that you love, that you have a talent for, and that you can receive ample reward for doing? As you can imagine so shall you create!


The Yin and Yang of Success

Your independent yang/masculine side seeks activity and challenge in the world. Your relational yin/feminine side seeks stillness and reflection in the world. When the two work make love in your psyche then your being nature will begin to inform and guide your doing nature in the world.
