Friday 9 February 2007

Another Prosperity Hero

I recieved this email from Christine Ann following her completion of the 10-week Prosperity Consciousness: A Hero's Journey e-course:

"This journey so came along for me at just the right time, I was getting myself in a bit of a pickle, divorced last year, 53 no qualifications and quickly running out of money and not knowing what to do to look after myself and my dog.
The exercises about huge money and what would I do with it kept changing and refining as did most of my answers to the questions and as you said in the mail about money not really being the issue.
This has lead to me seeing my basic fears and feelings of separation, fear of lack and lack of trust in the universe and creator but most of all myself. I have seen how I chose my family this time around who reinforced all the negative views of myself.
I have been able to own my gifts and talents, let go of so much guilt and shame I had carried for a long time, really honor myself for the achievements that make up me this time around. And so important I have been able to ask for help in the physical world as well as the Angelic.
I am not sure where it is all going but I am finding the journey exciting whereas before I would have been scared. I feel so much that our journey together has handed back to me trust that was taken from such a young age. I feel a hero I may still have issues that need to be worked out but that’s ok I am great as I am, and honour my journey and so very much honour you and your work."

Another prosperity hero is birthed into the world!

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